



At 123transcription.com, we specialize in delivering professional Turkmen linguistic services. Our dedicated team ensures fast and reliable delivery of your projects, coupled with around-the-clock support. Trust us for accurate translations and linguistic support that goes beyond expectations. Your communication needs, our commitment.

Turkmen Linguistic Services

Turkmen, spoken by communities in Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan, is a Turkish language with unique dialects. Approximately five million people in Turkmenistan, 719,000 in Northeastern Iran, and 1.5 million in Northwestern Afghanistan communicate in Turkmen. Our Turkmen language services cater to the nuances of these dialects.

Turkmen Academic Translation

Are you in need of Turkmen translation services for academic content? Our experienced Turkmen translators specialize in essays, medical publications, university research, and academic journals. 123transcription.com excels in translating, editing, and formatting academic texts in Turkmen and over 300 languages. We prioritize your timelines and offer urgent Turkmen translation services with absolute data security and confidentiality.

Turkmen Books Proofreading, Review, and Editing Services

Discover affordable Turkmen book proofreading, review, and editing services at 123transcription.com. Our native Turkmen speakers ensure error-free, culturally sensitive content. Whether you’re writing or translating, our meticulous proofreading and editing guarantee a polished final product. We handle various subjects with proficiency, offering high-quality results.

Turkmen Documentary Subtitling Service

123transcription.com provides high-quality and cost-effective Turkmen documentary subtitling services. As smartphones and tablets become primary platforms for video consumption, subtitles are crucial. Our trained native speakers ensure accuracy and eliminate errors, enhancing the impact of your documentary. Available on weekdays and weekends, call us for free quotes.

Turkmen Audio Transcription Service

Need Turkmen audio transcription? 123transcription.com offers fast, dependable, and affordable services. Our human transcriptionists guarantee over 99% accuracy, transcribing interviews or discussions in Turkmen. With years of experience, our team handles multiple speakers and varying audio qualities. Benefit from our 24/7 support, knowing you can send audio files from anywhere globally through our cloud-based solution. Translate, proofread, and transcribe confidently with 123transcription.com.

Linguistic Services

English (US)

Flawless translations in English US, ensuring your message resonates with clarity and precision.

English (UK)

Expertise in English UK translations, capturing the nuances for effective communication.

German (Germany)

Precise translations in German for the German market, meeting local linguistic standards.

German (Swiss)

Tailored German translations for Switzerland, ensuring linguistic nuances are perfectly captured.

German (Austria)

Expert translations in German for Austria, aligning with local language conventions and preferences.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Turkish, tailored to your specific needs.


Specialized translations in Polish, delivering content with cultural authenticity and accuracy.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in French, tailored to your specific needs.


Specialized translations in Italian, delivering content with cultural authenticity and accuracy.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Russian, tailored to your specific needs.


Specialized translations in Spanish, delivering content with cultural authenticity and accuracy.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Kazakh, tailored to your specific needs.


Specialized translations in Azerbaijani, delivering content with cultural authenticity and accuracy.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Georgian, tailored to your specific needs.


Specialized translations in Arabic, delivering content with cultural authenticity and accuracy.


Accurate and culturally sensitive translations in Persian, tailored to your specific needs.

Exceptional and Reliable Translation Services

123transcription.com is driven by a profound passion for language and effective communication. Renowned for our commitment to excellence, we take pride in our attentive customer service, ensuring your satisfaction. Rest assured, with our guarantee, your completed order will be delivered precisely when you need it, if not before.

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